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チャンネル開設:2023-02-09 20:18:42
Raising Moths & Jumping Spiders while using Macro photography to showcase their beauty 🐛🕷️
We also raise other inverts such as katydids and mantis so make sure you check those out too
✨How it started! ✨
I had a huge fear of flying insects and spiders for most of my life
But a few years ago my mum bought me a real jumping spider to photograph! She knew my passion for photography and knew I thought these guys were pretty cute!
I decided to work on my fear and trust me it’s not been easy!
I am not fully over my spider fear but looking close up and these jumping spiders has helped me and I hope it can help you too
All our videos shown are how we have raised them and some info may not been 100%, but this is due to some things been our first time. We are continuously improving and learning and the more we raise these amazing inverts the more we learn each time!
Check our TikTok @jumpingspiderlife
Instagram @jumping.spider.life